
Pentanalogy and Health

Today, traditional medicine is progressively becoming aware of the fact that the human body is not only an incredible machine but also that its vital energy and health closely depends on the relations between the body and the spirit.

In very old traditions like ayurveda, Chinese medicine etc, the relation between the body and the soul is of crucial importance. Therefore, the treatments are aimed at restoring the balance. When these relations are restored, health and energy will be normal. The pentagram reveals the working of the human psychology.

It is such an energetic radiography that it unveils the mechanism of our organs and energy circuits. The pentagram represents the aspects of health that require particular attention. It detects the most sensitive organs and accentuates the emotions associated with these problems. In such a manner, the pentagram enables cure by working simultaneously on the psychological as well as the physical aspects of the individual.

Pentanalogy Info

The cardio vascular system

Nerves, Small intestine, Nervous system

Eyes, Nails, Liver

Gall bladder

Ears, Hair, bones, kidneys

The Large intestine urogenital tract

The lungs, the respiratory tracts



Endocrine systems

The cardio vascular system

Nerves, Small intestine, Nervous system

Eyes, Nails, Liver

Gall bladder

Ears, Hair, bones, kidneys

The Large intestine urogenital tract

The lungs, the respiratory tracts



Endocrine systems

Take for example, a person with a two digit number in his date of birth (except the 2 digits of the year of birth.19..-20..). This person must keep a watch on one point or organ of his physiology. In fact the passage of energy to this point is often hampered.

Example An individual with a double 7 in his pentagram bears a sensitivity to broncho pulmonary problems. This arises mostly from the feeling of suffocation and constriction with respect to authority. He can be prone to allergies, pulmonary and respiratory troubles etc. Therefore, he would have to practice respiratory exercises or yoga techniques, Qi Qong etc… inorder to restore the energy circuit in the organ.

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